Photography/Digital Arts

Educational Opportunities in Photography:
  • 35mm, medium format, and digital SLR cameras
  • Film and darkroom development
  • Digital editing, manipulation using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Large format printing
  • Advanced level courses and independent studies

Educational Opportunities in Digital Design:
  • Graphic design foundations
  • Digital editing, manipulation using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Large format printing
  • 3D modeling using Maya, Google SketchUp, and Tinkercad
  • 3D printing using Makerbot printers
  • Advanced level courses and independent studies
ESA art students gain hands-on-training in the world of photography from the click of the camera to producing the final prints. Students spend their first quarter of their semester in the darkroom learning to process film and develop their photographs. Second quarter, students move to the media lab where they digitally edit photographs in Adobe Photoshop and print them using our large format printer.  Developing and printing in-house saves time and money as well as allowing students to experience the entire photographic process for themselves.


Episcopal School of Acadiana

Episcopal School of Acadiana is a private coeducational day school for students in grades PK3 through 12. Our mission is to instill in every student the habits of scholarship and honor.

Episcopal School of Acadiana (Lafayette Campus)

Episcopal School of Acadiana (Cade Campus)

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