Olivia Lopez, '28

Olivia Lopez, '28, joined the ESA community in sixth grade. She's a tennis player and a dancer. While she lives in Lafayette, Olivia studies dance at a studio in Erath, and she says that if she had a month to study anything, she'd dive into the history of dance. 

Here's our Q&A with Olivia:

What makes ESA a unique school to attend?

ESA strives to prepare their students for excellence and individuality. ESA values teaching all students how to be responsible, reliable, and independent. To be a student who is a part of that is an experience no one could imagine getting from a school.

Who has inspired you as a learner?

Dr. Gates inspired me as a learner. Dr. Gates' class was relatable and engaging in a way you wouldn't find in a normal classroom. She displayed her personality through every lesson and discussion. We didn't just learn about English. My horizons were broadened by the intense topics. She knew how to respect every student and include them in every class. We didn't have a standard curriculum. We didn't have tests, but I feel like I remember more information because I was not cramming to do well on a test, but was listening because I was genuinely interested in the topics. 

What has been your most challenging moment at ESA?

My most challenging moment at ESA was finding friends. Coming into a new school that is so small, it is hard to find people in your grade that you can have a genuine friendship with. Now I have lots of friends, but the initial stages of finding them were hard. Also a big part of finding friends is the growth that happens over the years. As a grade we have all changed and matured for the better. We have grown closer as a grade, but I have also found my people. Because I know the struggle of where to fit in, I try to be as welcoming as possible to new students. 

If you had a month to study anything in the world, what would you be passionate about learning?

I would study the history of dance. I have been passionate about dance my entire life, so I already know a lot about it. However, deep diving into the art of performing and ballet would push me further in my dance experience. Knowing the history would benefit my dancing. The dance world is intimidating, but very interesting. I could talk about dance 24/7 already, and because I am so passionate, a month of only focusing on dance would be the dream. 

Is there anything you’d like to share with the community about your ESA experience?

I am eternally grateful for ESA and the person I have become because of the school. ESA is not just a school, it is a community. That is why ESA leaves such an impact on everyone who enters. Community is what shapes the school. It is mind-blowing how everyone has a place. Everyone can leave a legacy and it is truly inspiring. My goal at ESA is to become an even better version of myself and continue to inspire my peers and leave an impact on them just like others have done to me. ESA supports and build students to be gentle, generous, truthful, kind and brave. These values are implemented in every student's lives every day. ESA wants everyone to succeed and actually takes the necessary steps to do that. I can not put into enough words how amazing ESA is.  

Thanks, Olivia!

Episcopal School of Acadiana

Episcopal School of Acadiana is a private coeducational day school for students in grades PK3 through 12. Our mission is to instill in every student the habits of scholarship and honor.

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